Anwara on Runner Beans

Where the seeds came from?
Katherine from Spitalfields Farm gave me this bean when I first started gardening, and I saved them each year. This is the fourth year. I love these runner beans, they’re my favourite. They grow quickly and it’s very easy to harvest the seeds.

How to grow it?
I grow it first inside the home. I put it in compost, and after 3-4 days it starts growing. Then, once it’s grown a little, if the weather is good, I plant it in the soil. It gives so many beans. It’s not hard work, it just needs water every couple of days.

This year is not a good year. Every year I get a large plant and many beans. But this year has not been good. Ants have attacked this plant, and snails and slugs.

Anwara on Runner Beans

I cook it with meat or fish. I fry it with onion, chili, coriander leaf. It’s very nice. I love this. My family, my children love this.